Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Birthday Muses

My birthday is coming up, and my mom keeps nagging on me to give her my birthday list. Usually this shouldn't be too difficult, since there are always items that one would want, right? However this year this was not the case for me. For 3 weeks the only items I had on my list were an electric blanket and a new swim bag (since mine is literally falling apart, and disintegrating all over my stuff). Exciting, right? Why does it seem that the only things on my list are things that I need.... Well, today I really cracked down and tried to crank one out since my birthday is less than 2 weeks away.
This is what I came up with:
Harem pants: I know they are controversial in the fashion world, but I love them.
The Moleskin journal: classic.

H2O lotion smells so good and hydrates so well! Plus they come in summery scents, which is a plus since this winter just keeps on dragging on. I need that summery reminder.

Sugar Grapefruit perfume is yummy :)

This is the bag I chose for my new swim bag. It is the LeSportSac
travel tote and I'm hoping it is roomy enough for everything!

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